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Halloween Half Term & Pumpkin Picking at Nathan’s Farm

19 October, 2021 - 31 October, 2021

pumpkin picking south bucks, nathans farm pumpkins, halloween activities chalftont st giles, nathans farm october half temr

This October half term, Nathan’s Farm will have PYO pumpkin picking, pumpkin carving, pumpkin soup, feed and pet the animals and have a play in the playground.

Nathan’s Farm in Chalftont Saint Giles has more than 120 acres of land, which is home to a large range of livestock, which are available for sale, They have have a farm shop, selling eggs, animal feed and accessories.

the cafe is open serving sandwiches, coffees and teas.

Find all the best places to pick pumpkins in Buckinghamshire and Berkshire.


19 October, 2021
31 October, 2021
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Nathan’s Farm
The Farmhouse, Shire Lane, Chalfont Road
Chalftont St Giles, Bucks HP8 4BT United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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