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Growing up With a Pet Dog – the Benefits

According to statistics, no less than 470 million dogs are kept as pets in the world. Having a canine companion in the home implies having to deal with a couple of extra responsibilities. However, the benefits of this decision are far bigger than you might expect, especially if you have children.

They learn about responsibility

If you want to teach your kids the importance of responsibility, owning a pet dog might be just the right thing to do. As pet owners, kids learn how to make time to feed, bathe, walk and pick up after the dog.

Performing these tasks regularly can teach them the value of putting others first. As a parent, if you take the time to draw your kid’s attention to how his/her actions affect the pet, you can make the child aware of his/her behavior. As a result, he/she will be more conscious of the way in which they interact with others.

Besides, one of these family-friendly pups you are always responsible for it, and this is surely a lesson that your kid will benefit from in the long run. If you want to make sure that your new pet dog won’t be able to rummage through your trash, here are some examples of quality dog-proof trash cans.

They are healthier

As numerous studies have indicated, growing up in a home where there is a dog can do wonders for a child’s immune system. So, having a dog in the home might mean that your kids get sick less frequently and, when they do so, they will need a shorter treatment with antibiotics when compared to children who do not live in a home with a pet dog.

A study carried out at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2010 showed that babies who live in homes with a pet dog are less likely to develop asthma and other respiratory allergies.

Self-esteem and compassion

When caring for a pet, children also become more self-confident. This happens as a result of the responsibility that they feel when taking care of the pet. Moreover, because caring for a dog implies understanding, compassion, and kindness, children can also learn how to efficiently extend these qualities when socializing with their peers. This can prove beneficial as it can help children form bonds and interact better with others.

Coping with loss

There is nothing sadder than losing a pet. However, just like humans, dogs do not live forever. In many cases, the first instance when a child has to deal with the reality of death is when a pet dies. If you manage this situation correctly, you can help your child deal with the emotions that such a loss brings forward.

When doing so, make sure that you explain to your kids that it is ok to feel sad in these moments and that it is also essential that they treasure the happy moments that they had with the pet.


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