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St. Mary’s Leavers celebrate Senior School success

st marys school henley, best private primary school henley

The Year 6 class at St. Mary’s Preparatory School in Henley, are celebrating their fantastic success in securing places at some of the leading selective schools in the region.

With 6 scholarships including academic, sport and art, in addition to 11+ success, there is a lot for the children to be proud of.

Rob Harmer, Headmaster: “At St. Mary’s, we constantly challenge our pupils to push the boundaries of what they believe is possible, and I am delighted to see our children achieve such fantastic results.  Our teaching staff support the children as they prepare for their entrance exams, and recognising that working with the children as individuals gives them the best possible chance to succeed.  Our core principal – to instil a love of learning for life in our pupils – sets the children up well for success in Senior School and beyond.”

The school regularly sees their Year 6 class move on to join some of the most prestigious schools in the area, with whom they enjoy a close working relationship.

Matthew Judd, Headteacher, Leighton Park School: “Leighton Park is delighted to welcome excellent students from St Mary’s Prep each year. Our two schools share a common ethos and commitment to personal growth and excellence. The students that have joined us from St Mary’s are talented and creative, chiming well with our STEAM academic approach. Unfailingly, our St Mary’s students are a tribute to their former school, demonstrating confidence and being articulate and polite. Ultimately, they come to us well prepared for senior school life – eager to join in and seize opportunities at Leighton Park to continue growing the way that St Mary’s has started them off.”

Kate Bodle, Deputy Headteacher, St. Mary’s School: “I am so proud of this year’s cohort, they have worked really hard and are deserving of their success.  It is wonderful that our parents recognise the value that we are adding to their children’s education.”

In a recent survey of St. Mary’s parents, families noted that “I believe very strongly that St. Mary’s sets them up so well for secondary school and the challenges ahead.”

This year’s Year 6 children were offered places at schools including the following:

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