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Top Snowdrop Walks in Buckinghamshire

There’s something very special about seeing the first snowdrops appear and knowing that spring is around the corner.  Snowdrops usually flower from January through to the end of February depending on the weather. There are some fantastic places to go for a snowdrop walk in Buckinghamshire or venture a little further to Oxfordshire or Berkshire too

best snowdrop walks, snowdrop walks near me

Evenley Wood Gardens

With over 80 varieties of magnificent snowdrops planted in swathes throughout Evenley Woods beautiful 60-acre woodland haven, it’s sure to be the perfect place to come and escape this winter.

West Wycombe Park

Not usually open in the winter, last year there was a special snowdrop walk in aid of Child Bereavement UK.  Not sure if this is happening in 2024

Waddesdon Manor

Discover Waddesdon Manor‘s private parkland and gardens at Eythrope, transformed with drifts of delicate snowdrops on a visit this January. Open for just four days, have the chance to see Eythrope’s extensive collection of 70 different snowdrops in bloom, swathing the landscape in a blanket of white. Visits to Eythrope run Wed 15 – Fri 17 Feb, 2023


Stowe usually have a snowdrop walk, with special paths re-opened for the winter season highlight; see one of the best hidden treasures of the garden at Stowe where the snowdrops blanket the banks as you walk from the Lamport Garden to the Gothic Temple. Winter is a great season for displaying the garden undressed where the defined views open and become more apparent.


Visit Cliveden to see  wonderful snowdrops in the woodland and also on the steep west-facing escarpment that runs down to the edge of the River Thames.  Find out more.

Following on from the snowdrops towards the end of April, a carpet of bluebells is just as impressive.  Find all the best bluebell woodland walks in Buckinghamshire in the Red Kite Days guide.



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